Spread the word
We are all exposed to radiation from other people's wireless products. It's vital that we all spread the word about the potential risks and how to reduce them.
Talk to neighours because their wireless equipment maybe exposing your children to radiation, especially if you live in a flat or non-detached house.
Email or talk to your school with this website - the head, the science teacher, the adminstrators. Encourage them to implement a wireless-free policy or to start with some simple steps like removing wifi (or not installing it), removing a cordless phone or asking teachers to turn off their mobile phones in school.
Ask them to put up a poster and discuss this subject in lessons (science or PHSE) or in assembly. We can provide lesson plans and teaching materials. Contact us if you would like us to help you prepare materials.
Email your friends and family with this website. Tweet about us on Twitter.
Put up a poster in your local doctor's surgery and ask them to look at this site.
Talk to your school head about adopting a wireless-free policy
Contact your Union about ways of discouraging schools from installing wireless systems,
Put up posters in school.
Download a poster to put up at a school or doctors' surgery here...

Please help us get the message out to government that the public wants children to be protected:
Send an email to your MP asking for improved regulations and information, and a halt to the expansion of wi-fi and cordless phones in schools.
The Mayor of London wants to install wi-fi throughout London. You can write to him at
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Please send this site to your local councillors and ask them to avoid wi-fi and cordless phones in local schools.
We would love to hear about who you have contacted and the response you get - copy us in at
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Please get in touch if you want to volunteer - we urgently need help running WiredChild and setting up local groups raising awareness.